Mitra Prasad Ghimire |
Chief Admistrative Officer |
Deputy Secretary of Administration |
ramechhapmun@gmail.com |
048-400116 / 9854049111 |
Hom Bahadur Thapa |
Officer (8th) |
Planning Monitoring and Administration |
thapahom776@gmail.com, suchanaadhikari@ramechhapmun.gov.np |
9854088877 |
Madan Subedi |
Account Officer |
Account Administrative Section |
subedimdn@gmail.com |
9804736333 |
Bishnu Bahadur Karki |
Public Health Officer |
Health Branch |
karkibbk31@gmail.com |
9854043401 |
Kaji Sherpa |
Livestock Development Officer |
Livestock Development Branch |
sherpakaji2030@gmail.com |
9841732185 |
Prabin Giri |
Engineer |
Planning Branch |
prgiri422@gmail.com |
9851175547 |
Navraj Prasad Badu |
Education Officer |
Education, Youth and Sports Dev. Branch |
badunavraj30@gmail.com |
9848986305 |
Haribhagat Shrestha |
Officer 7th |
Revenue Branch |
9848094777 |
Narayan Subedi |
Officer 7th |
Administration |
narayansubedi432@gmail.com |
9844393215 |
Ramsharan Poudel |
Public Health Incharge |
Health Branch |
9854043612 |
Dhruba Kumar Magar |
Public Health Incharge |
Health Branch |
bkdhruba56@gmail.com |
9844228925 |
Krishna Bahadur Bhujel |
Officer (6th) |
Agriculture Development Branch |
9744027961 |
Santadevi Dhakal |
Sr. ANM Incharge |
Health Branch |
9754203056 |
Narayan Kumar Karki |
Officer (6th) |
Planning Branch |
narayank09@gmail.com |
9854040988 |
Dipak Kumar Shrestha |
Information Technology Officer |
Information Technology Branch |
ito.ramechhapmun@gmail.com |
9851196927 |
Labashree Bishwakarma |
Agriculture Extension Officer (6th) |
Agriculture Development Branch |
lobmarley01@gmail.com |
9844407053 |
Rashmi Kafle |
Agriculture Graduate Technician (Sixth) |
Agriculture Dev. Branch |
rashukafle@gmail.com |
9861725585 |
Ganesh Prasad Ghimire |
Sub-Accountant (5th) |
Account Section |
9851255627 |
Ghana Maya Shrestha |
Junior Officer |
Administration |
shresthaghana37@gmail.com |
9844421080 |
Bimala Kumari Sharma |
Women Dev. Inspector (Fifth) |
Women and Children |
bmalasharma@gmail.com |
9843012647 |
Sarita Budhathoki |
Women Dev. Inspector (Fifth) |
Women and Children |
saritabudhathoki37@gmail.com |
9860968143 |
Bijay Shrestha |
Technical Assistant (Vet.) |
Livestock Development Branch |
9849348499 |
Arjun Chaudhary |
Sub Engineer |
Infrastructure Dev. Branch |
9745825375 |
Shrawan Kumar Sharma |
Technical Assistant (Edu.) |
Education Branch |
sharmasharwan207@gmail.com |
9845033013 |
Laxmi Kumari Jaisi |
Technical Assistant (Vet.) |
Livestock Development Branch |
9868841825 |
Basant K.C. |
Technical Assistant (Agriculture) |
Agriculture Dev. Branch |
basantkc677@gmail.com |
9864720795 |
Dipak Dumre |
Assistant Fifth (Internal Auditor) |
Internal Audit |
9860626924 |
Sagar Pulami Magar |
Assistant Level 5th |
Ward no. 2, Ward secretary |
ramechhapmun03@gmail.com, sagarbabu889@gmail.com |
9844296851 |
Bikram Hayu |
Sub Engineer |
Planning Branch |
9865084771 |
Sandip KC |
MIS Operator |
सामाजिक सुरक्षा तथा पञ्जिकरण |
rmcsandip86@gmail.com |
9869277686 |
Binda Magar |
Legal Facilitator |
Judicial Committee |
9844413294 |
Sonika Tamang |
Sub Engineer |
Prime Minister's Employment Program |
9845931079 |
Pabitra Khatri |
Drinking Water Sanitation Technician |
Ward no.9 |
ramechhapmun09@gmail.com |
9844044218 |
Samjhana Subedi |
Sub Overseer |
Planning Branch |
9861715677 |
Toran Shrestha |
Amin |
Survey |
9840120302 |
Ambika Karki |
Sub Overseer |
Ward 7, Sukajor |
ramechhapmun07@gmail.com |
9844284141 |
Binda Magar |
Field Asst. |
Social Security and Vital Reg. |
9844010304 |
Anju Tamang |
Field Asst. |
Social Security and Vital Reg. |
9844228124 |
Roshan Raj Pradhan |
Sub Overseer |
Planning Branch |
9844443490 |
Sudip Karki |
Sub Overseer |
Planning Branch |
9844278219 |
Keshab Dahal |
Drinking Water Sanitation Technician |
Ward no.2 |
ramechhapmun02@gmail.com |
9845100011 |
Durga Bahadur Kathayat |
Asst. Computer Operator |
Ward no.1, Gothgaun |
ramechhapmun01@gmail.com |
9854043247 |
Netra Bahadur Shrestha |
Asst. Computer Operator |
वडा नं. २ |
ramechhapmun02@gmail.com |
9844319732 |
Santosh Kafle |
Asst. Computer Operator |
Ward no. 3 |
ramechhapmun03@gmail.com |
9844045938 |
Ashok Sunuwar |
Asst. Computer Operator |
Ward no.4, Himganga |
ramechhapmun04@gmail.com |
9861975523 |
Indra Bahadur Rana Magar |
Asst. Computer Operator |
Ward no.5, Rampur |
ramechhapmun05@gmail.com |
9844394777 |
Dilip Kumar Baraili |
Asst. Computer Operator |
Ward no.6, Okhreni |
ramechhapmun06@gmail.com |
9844326270 |
Hari Bahadur Magar |
The driver |
Light driver |
9843271286 |
Laxman KC |
The driver |
Light Vehicle Driver |
9864027808 |
Gunaraj Tamang |
Office Assistant |
9868832927 |